By Rori Raye
Are you chasing after a man and don’t even know it?
When you chase a man, you not only tend to unwittingly push him away, but in the end, you don’t give him the chance
to show you how HE really feels about YOU.
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What to do if he’s distant and seems to have fallen out of love.
Word-for-word love scripts to help you bring him closer than ever before.
The secret psychology that
makes him want to commit for life.
The magic power you didn’t know you had to
make him want you.
And yet, I know how frustrating it is to sit back and let a man drift away. We want a man to know we’re interested
in him. We want to make it easy for him to ask us out again. We want to seem enthusiastic and easygoing.
We know we’re not supposed to be chasing after him, and yet we’re doing it in ways that we’re not even
aware of.
We think being “friendly” is the same as showing interest in a man. We are taught to think that if we act
“casual” a man won’t notice that we’re actually chasing him.
But, the truth is, we are. And when we do things that seem like we’re “chasing” to a man, it’s a
turn off for him. He feels smothered and feels an aggressive “vibe” from you that does nothing to inspire
him to want to get closer.
Here are some things we may think of as “friendly,” that are actually CHASING a man:
- Calling him before he calls you. This includes calling him because you heard or read about
something interesting, or because you knew there was a great band playing somewhere, or someone told you
about some great event that you want to invite him to or – anything at all. It also includes calling to
ask why he hasn’t called you.
- Initiating contact. E-mailing him, texting him, Facebooking him, sending him a cute card,
dropping by his house, or in any way attempting to initiate some kind of contact.
- Making suggestions or plans. Inviting him to come and join you, or in any way acting like
the social director of the relationship.
- Asking him how he feels. This includes, especially, asking him how he feels about
“you” or the “relationship.”

These are things we do almost without even thinking about it. These are things that feel natural to us, and we excuse them
by thinking we’re just being “friendly.” And at the heart of this is one fear: Feeling like
we’re going to lose him by not letting him know we’re interested in him.
Everything on this list is the same as putting a sign on your chest that says “Needy.” It smacks of
desperation. And, it’s just plain not attractive to him.
He may LIKE it. He may be flattered. He may have no one else around and so he’ll date you. He may even come to like
you very much. You may even end up in a relationship with him.
But, you will never know how he really feels about you.
In my FREE newsletter, I show you a different approach to dating that
never lets you get hung up on one man and that actually works to attract the right man to you
– and the best part is it requires less of the kind of things that scream “chasing” and
“neediness” to him and instead feel attractive and feminine.
When you sign up for my FREE dating and relationship advice newsletter, you’ll learn:
- A new way of being with a man so he'll want to be around you all the time, and will inspire him to want to caress you,
pull you close and tell you he loves you
- The subtle energy shift that can make a tremendous difference in how a man
starts to pursue you for a change – he’ll want all your time and attention
- A three-step formula for communicating your feelings to a man in a way that will
actually make him want to come closer to you and share his own feelings
– you’ll never have to walk on eggshells or hide the real you again,
and he’ll fall more and more in love with you for it
- The specific words and body language that
will make a man irresistibly attracted to you
– and how to raise your self esteem so you feel good no matter what he does
- How to get the commitment you want without asking for it –
he’ll think it's completely his idea!
Start receiving all this for FREE, starting now.
Sign Up For My Love Advice Newsletter
What to do if he’s distant and seems to have fallen out of love.
Word-for-word love scripts to help you bring him closer than ever before.
The secret psychology that
makes him want to commit for life.
The magic power you didn’t know you had to
make him want you.